Oppède, Dimanche 28 Avril 2024, 15 °C, Ensoleillé
Mairie de Oppède dans le Vaucluse - Luberon 84

The Sainte Cécile terraces



In the past, the ‘Sainte Cécile’ terraces were used for farming but today they have been reinvented as a botanic garden where you can discover the ‘garrigue’, a type of dry vegetation that has adapted to the Mediterranean climate. Stone pine, holm oak, juniper, thyme and rosemary are just a few of the characteristic species found in this natural setting. The terraces’ lofty position means they overlook the entire surrounding region, particularly the Calavon Plain and the foothills of the Vaucluse Mountains to the north.

Nouveaux horaires bureau de poste

A compter du 16 avril 2024,

les horaires d'ouverture du bureau de Poste d'Oppède seront les suivants : 

Lundi  : fermé

Du mardi au vendredi : de 9h15 à 12h00

Samedi : de 9h00 à 12h00

Enquête publique - Parc du Luberon

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